Before You Leave: For College, Career, and Eternity

Can we trust the Bible, or has it been distorted over the centuries? If Christians believe that the Bible contains the very words of Almighty God, why have most never read it cover to cover or made it part of their daily lives? How did we get the Bible? How should one respond to legitimate criticism?

Everyone believes something when it comes to religion. Atheists believe there is no God.  How should we think about atheism?

Are angels and demons real, or just a Hollywood invention? If the devil exists, why do so few Christians hear or talk about such a creature?

Are heaven and hell real, eternal destinations? How could a loving God allow anyone to end up in hell?

Does prayer work? Why and how should one pray?

Drawing on scripture, trusted theologians, historical references, and cutting-edge conversations, Before You Leave was written to help you understand and discuss challenging and essential questions of faith.

Prayerful: How the Scriptures, History, and Experience Can Shape Our Prayers

Just as communication is central to any relationship, prayer is an essential part of one’s relationship with God. Though it may seem natural for some, most people struggle with prayer due to busyness, laziness, distractions, and guilt. Some people want to pray but simply don’t know how. Prayerful will help you overcome these obstacles by looking to the Scriptures and the prayer lives of Christians through the ages for guidance. Divided into thirty short chapters, this book makes for a wonderful daily devotional and will help you learn to embrace prayer—not as a method, but as a way of life. Each chapter ends with thought-provoking questions that are perfect for individual reflection and group discussions.

Praying may not always change our circumstances, but we will always be changed for the better when we encounter God through prayer.